Contractor control portal
CRM allows you to implement various scenarios for monitoring, managing and distributing the load between specialists.
CRM Разработка Автоматизация бизнес-процессов / BPMS Интеграция и обмен Хелпдеск

Contractor control portal

A universal CRM system for executing control based on the MegaDesk software solution from VIMS Communication has been developed.

CRM allows you to implement various scenarios for monitoring, managing and distributing the load between specialists.

A software solution based on the MegaDesk system is perfect for companies whose activities are associated with a constant stream of incoming requests and tasks, for example: service companies, repair, maintenance, business circulation, accounting, law, construction, design, development, trade, production, logistics, medicine , IT and more.

The focus of this particular implementation of MegaDesk is the control of the designers of a large franchise company.

The system is designed to improve service for franchisees.

Why the need arose for the MegaDesk system from VIMS Communication


A franchise network, with a total of more than 200 operating enterprises of various formats, such as cafes, restaurants, mini-formats and food courts.

About the company in figures: 4 brands, 200 operating franchisees, 1000 employees and 800 design applications per month.

Outdated communication scheme

From time to time, employees and franchisees of the company had a need to develop some kind of individual graphic advertising materials, for example, posters, leaflets, restaurant decor elements, adjusting the size of the main files of seasonal products, banners on the website, and so on, the reasons for the franchisee's appeal to the main office. be thousands, in fact, this is any task related to proprietary graphics.

In order to receive relevant materials, the franchisee had to write a letter to the marketing department with a request for the necessary graphics, indicating the technical features and creative wishes for the layout, then the letter was sent to the general mailbox of the marketing department.

The mailbox of the marketing department consisted of thousands of unread letters not only from franchisees, but also from suppliers, potential partners, internal correspondence, as well as questions not related to design, in addition it is worth adding that letters with design tasks for one and the same the same points came almost simultaneously from different applicants (for example, a director and an administrator), which further complicated communication and an operational response to the design, since different designers could perform the same task at the same time. As a result, the applicant, with a second revision of the printed layout, ended up in the queue for a month, and the company received a total negative from almost all franchisees.

Incorrect technical task

In order to obtain the necessary design suitable for all the technical requirements, the franchisee had to contact the company, namely the marketing department, with a request and a technical assignment, where the main problem of contact was that the partner often could not correctly indicate the entire composition technical specifications, and accordingly the designer or marketer had to contact the applicant by phone and clarify all the technical nuances, postponing the implementation process.

No responsible person

The communication problem was one of the most acute, since it was not always clear who to contact to perform work and it is not always clear which way to do it faster, since not all administrators and owners of establishments have constant access to mail, or do not know which of colleagues drew up an application for design and sent it from the corporate mailbox of the point.

Unobvious queue

Employees and franchisees could not determine by the principle of which queue the requests for design were executed and when the designer would take on the task, which created an even greater wave of negativity towards the franchisor.

Finished materials

The applicant often could not find the sent final file in his mail, due to the fact that the point box was overloaded with letters, and the finished graphic materials came from different designers.

The solution to the problem of control and interaction - MegaDesk by VIMS Communication

Submission of applications for design development

For this solution, a mandatory technical task has been developed and integrated, which the applicant fills in, indicating all the necessary data for the designer. Additionally, the applicant indicates the city and point number. The date of the beginning and the end of work is put down automatically.

Without specifying the necessary data, the application is not sent to work, all fields are required.

In case of lack of data, the designer can return the application to the applicant to clarify the information.

In the case of poorly performed work, the applicant can return the application for revision to the contractor.

Contractor and applicant

The company is provided with the functionality of placing applicants and performers into the system. A page with contact information is linked to each participant in the process, so the applicant knows who is working on his application, and the contractor sees all the information about the applicant.

The list of applicants and performers is managed by the head of the marketing department.

Without specifying contact information about the applicant - filing for attendance is not possible.

Application queue

In this implementation of the CRM system, a track list of applications has been created, where each applicant (franchisee) can see the number of applications in front of him in the queue.

The application can receive the "urgent" status, this status is assigned by the head of the department.

A rush order automatically rises to the top of the list and joins the queue for other urgent orders, first of all, executors close the urgent orders.

Status system

To simplify navigation and filtering of applications, a status system is provided: new, completed, requires clarification, for revision, urgent.

All application statuses are linked to graphic elements and color coding for faster and more intuitive work.

Filtering and statistics

The manager, contractor and applicant are provided with a system for filtering applications according to all possible parameters - date, status, contractor, applicant, deadline, open applications, closed applications, applications from each applicant, work performed for each contractor, and much more.

Information is summarized in the manager's office in the form of statistics.

Regulations for submission and execution of applications

The CRM system has internal regulations for processing applications. The regulations are placed in the theoretical base in the form of text, and are also integrated into the logical core of the system, that is, the start and delivery dates, as well as statuses and other parameters are set automatically and can only be changed by the head of the department upon agreement.

Data storage and order history

The CRM system stores all completed applications for each applicant in the applicant's personal account. The contractor sees all completed applications for the entire period with the possibility of complex filtering in any necessary order.

Graphic materials and photobank

In this implementation of the CRM system, a repository of corporate graphic materials is organized for all partners of the company - photos from photo sessions, design elements, graphics for food delivery services, current menus and much more are stored in the "Ready materials" section, this approach allowed to reduce the burden of designers, so as part of the materials the franchisee finds independently.


Inside each application there is a chat between the applicant and the contractor.


MegaDesk by VIMS Communication

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