Ayris Silk Online Store
Development of a corporate online store ayris-silk.ru
Сайты eCommerce Интеграция и обмен Разработка Маркетинг

Development of a corporate online store for Ayris Silk

Developed a branded online store for Ayris Silk



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Cryptocurrency exchange analysis system
An automated analysis system for making decisions on transactions with cryptocurrencies.
Комплексная разработка Программное обеспечение Интеграция Разработка Анализ и аналитика данных
Certification system for banking groups
Universal training and certification system for banking employees in accordance with Federal Law No. 115-FZ.
Intra-corporate portal to control openings for the franchise chain
The system allows you to turn the discovery of a new outlet into an obvious and consistent process.
Комплексная разработка Интеграция и обмен CRM Анализ и аналитика данных
Dealer network price control system for a manufacturer of composite materials
Custom monitoring and control system for dealerships.
Комплексная разработка Анализ и аналитика данных Маркетинговые системы Интеграция и обмен
Contractor control portal
CRM allows you to implement various scenarios for monitoring, managing and distributing the load between specialists.
CRM Разработка Автоматизация бизнес-процессов / BPMS Интеграция и обмен Хелпдеск
Advertising campaign for the manufacturer of embroidery "Zolotaya Nit"
Advertising campaign using targeting, retargeting and media.
Комплексное продвижение Реклама
Advertising campaign for the chain of restaurants Hesburger
The campaign is based on the advertising tools of Yandex, Google and social networks.
Реклама Продвижение
Website development for the manufacturer of baby food "Rasti Bolshoy"
A new site for building a full-fledged brand communication with consumers.
Сайты Разработка eCommerce
Advertising campaign for the LESNOY restaurant
LESNOY is a sensation worth hunting for!
Реклама Продвижение
Advertising campaign "Rasti Bolshoy" and "Chudesinka"
The campaign includes several scenarios focused on attracting new business partners.
Комплексное продвижение Реклама Продвижение